Manila, Philippines – The Bureau of Customs (BoC) intercepted smuggled laptop computers from China valued at P100 million at the Port of Manila (PoM) yesterday.
Bureau of Customs (BoC) Commissioner Ruffy Biazon said the 3,915 high-end Asus laptops misdeclared by the consignee Orza Marketing as computer parts were discovered in two container vans and warrants of seizure and detention were immediately issued against them.
“Let this serve as a warning to smugglers that we will not waver in our anti-smuggling campaign,” Biazon said. Customs Deputy Commissioner for Enfocement Horacio Suangsing said his office conducted the operation, along with the BoC operations and intelligence office. Suansing said the operation was an offshoot of reports that the shipment was grossly undervalued to evade payment of Customs duties and taxes. (Jun Ramirez)