ANYBODY can write for or against a social or political issue, but if you really want to persuade your readers, a lot of things are required. You must have a firm grasp of the topic. You need to present the problem and its background, lay down the arguments, and prepare enough supporting details.
What specific cases and examples can you use to buttress your point? Are the terms well-defined? More importantly, are your arguments logical and supported by authentic documents and actual facts?
Persuasive writing requires all these – and more. In the absence of such elements, any written work supposedly aimed at persuading the reader is not even considered substantial. Emotionally loaded or biased expressions will never compensate for qualities that are lacking. You can’t just use any foul expression or derogatory term in an attempt to make your claim for or against an issue – accepted by the reader. Such reveals not only bias, but lack of acceptable and valid arguments as well. This is enough for intelligent readers not to treat the said piece of writing seriously.
This is precisely my point. Anything that does not pass for a seriously (substantially) written piece on an issue does not have to be taken seriously. It can merely be labeled as an exercise of freedom to express one’s self.
Newspaper articles and social media posts have made the words “freedom of expression”, “bashed”, “bullied”, and “biased” very popular or among those most frequently used. What does it say about our psyche? We seem to be forgetting that privilege (the right to express one’s self) and responsibility are – as the saying goes, two sides of the same coin. Communication is meant to “bridge the gap”, not to widen the gap or to create previously non-existing gaps.
Is the world reeking of anger and selfishness that many people resort to linguistic annihilation of “perceived enemies” and even well-meaning individuals?
“Heal the world, make it a better place” (Michael Jackson song). Let your words heal and empower! Refrain from reacting to or sharing social media posts that use unfair remarks and derogatory terms. If you will like them, share them, or post any comment, the people who made the original posts will feel rewarded. This will reinforce not only their behavior, but also the posts’ negative effects – which could be long-term. Break the cycle!
(Marilyn Arayata: inspirational author and speaker, your partner in preventing bullying, depression, and suicide. E-mail (Marilyn C. Arayata)