Biggest anime fan favorites “Naruto Shippuuden 8,” “Yugi-Oh! Arc V,” and “Samurai X” are back on Hero TV.
The adventures of Uzumaki Naruto, the host of the powerful Nine-Tailed Demon Fox continues. This time, Konohagure is invaded by the leader of the Akatsuki –Pain. The Akatsuki wishes to kidnap Naruto and bring down the whole ninja world under their command.
The show has a three-hour marathon on Saturdays at 9 pm.
Meanwhile, Yuya Sakaki’s dream is to follow his father’s footsteps and become the greatest “duel-tainer” in history.
He then discovers Pendulum Summoning, a never-before-seen fighting technique that lets him summon many monsters at once! But when countless rivals emerge to steal his spotlight, Yuya needs to gear up his game because dueling has evolved into a non-stop world of action!
Witness Yuya and his friends’ duels as they ride their monsters racing through real locations to take down their opponents with their Action Cards in “Yugi-Oh! Arc V”, airing weeknights at 8:30 with replays at 2:30pm, 8:30 am, 2:30 pm, and a 3-hour marathon on Sundays at 3 pm.