DreamWorks Animation’s latest and 34th movie, “The Boss Baby” is inspired by the best-selling book of the same title by Marla Frazee. The film tags us along a young boy’s colorful adventures as he discovers that his new baby brother is not what he seems.
Directed by Dreamworks veteran Tom McGrath (“Megamind,” “Madagascar”), “The Boss Baby” is a family comedy featuring the voices of Alec Baldwin, Steve Buscemi, Lisa Kudrow and Jimmy Kimmel and Miles Bakshi. Exploring the wonders of a child’s imagination and celebrating the precious bond that can form between siblings in a family, “The Boss Baby” (Baldwin) and his older brother Tim (Bakshi) discover that love isn’t finite after all.
The heartfelt nature of the story and the remarkable charm of the main characters were immediately appealing to producer Ramsey Naito. “The story mirrored my life. My oldest son was seven years old when my youngest arrived, and he was really jealous, just like our main character, Tim. I related to the brother’s story instantly,” says Naito. “I love that we celebrate the power of children’s fantasy and imagination in this film.”

Tim’s parents are voiced by Lisa Kudrow (“Friends”) and television host (Jimmy Kimmel). Tim’s parents are simply oblivious to the chaos unleashed by Boss Baby in their household. Barely hanging on to the slightest resemblance of domestic order at home, they have no clue about the strange machinations of Baby Corp. and Puppy Co. where they work.
An Easter weekend movie for the entire family, “The Boss Baby” opens April 15 (Saturday) from 20th Century Fox to be distributed by Warner Bros.