THE passing years are lyrical recollections, with futures drawn in silhouettes of optimism and prayers. Only the young see the impatience for thrills in what tomorrow gifts. Silver haired mellowing recognize, moments are like a stream of spring water, you dip your fingers, then it is gone. Aging, like the Cherry Blossom, is an irreversible continuum of dying.
The phenomenon obliquely manifest in the gradual wrinkling of youth over faces. Botox helps, and surgery delays, literally uplifting the reality, when we stare in the mirror. However, the gait alters with certain aches, an unsteady walk makes a cane or a wheelchair the better transport for what was easy step. A hearing aid or lasic surgery is the badge of age.
Glasses is an ageless support, even the very young wear them. Such perspective cascades when we place ourselves in the big shoe of the elderly and those with aging parents. It is asserted, “Every old person, is our parent?”. And “The passing of every old man, is one more library lost?”. This is a foreword for my having invited former Senator Eddie Ilarde in a TV program I host on Global News Network (Tuesdays 8 pm, Channel 8 Destiny Cable and 213 Sky).
The topic discussed was dear to my concerns – “senior citizens”. Quoting from a letter he wrote to President Rodrigo Duterte, “The graying of the world is quite simply the most significant population shift in history. The elderly will outnumber the young. Less babies are being born and individuals are living longer, adding 20 years to the average life expectancy.
The UN tells the world that “older people require opportunities and support systems including income generation, social security and health care”. Today most countries have established their own government agencies adopting the “UN Principles for Older Persons”. Part of the missy respectfully proposes a “Lasting legacy for our people: love and concern for 13 million seniors (and counting) by setting-up via an Executive Order a Commission for Senior Citizens to plan for the welfare and dignity of millions in our country”. Such a development under this Administration, would be most welcome! (Erik Espina)