by Atty. Ignacio R. Bunye
The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas is not only the country’s central monetary authority. Over the years, it has also taken on a unique role of promoting appreciation of our country’s rich culture and history.
The BSP’s Metropolitan Museum is home to priceless art pieces, including pre-Hispanic pottery , finely crafted Hispanic gold, expresssive religious art, exquisite embroidery and cleverly designed furniture. The Money Museum displays pre-historic coins and jewelry. The BSP’s halls and offices are decked with paintings of the Filipino masters and soon-to-be national artists.
Why so? Explains Amado M. Tetangco, Jr., who has held the helm of the Bangko Sentral during the last twelve years:
“Many would probably think that central banking and the arts share little in common. To us, however, both are linked by their capacity to reflect the story of our past.
“At the BSP, we believe that history must inform our country’s journey; we must learn from the past so that we will be better and stronger for the future.
“This is important. In this time of globalization, it is important that we do not lose sight of who we are as a people, what we have achieved and what we can achieve.”
That said, Tetangco launched recently two BSP books, different by discipline but linked by a common purpose.
The first book “Likha: Enduring Legacies of Filipino Artistry” celebrates Filipino heritage by showcasing the decorative arts collection of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas which includes artifacts from 2000 years ago.
The second book “Philippine Central Banking: A Strategic Journey to Stability” looks at the core aspects of central banking from the point of view of professional central bankers with broad and deep experience in the science and the art of central banking.
“Likha” (Filipino word for “Creation”) features the decorative arts collections, accumulated over more than four decades. The book includes articles written by Corazon S. Alvina, Esperanza B. Gatbonton, Martin I. Tinio, Jr., Cynthia O. Valdes and Ramon N. Villegas. Former Central Bank Governor Jaime S. Laya, during whose term the collection was started, wrote the introduction.
“Likha” provides insights into our evolution as a nation and instills a strong sense of identity as a people. Leafing through its pages makes one proud to be a Filipino.
The second book – “Philippine Central Banking: A Strategic Journey to Stability” – compiles in one volume the challenges the BSP faced over the past decade and how it managed the evolving conditions, all for the singular purpose of coming out better than before.
The book provides readers a front row view of BSP’s operations and its track record. It also tries to answer the question: Where do we go from here?
The book includes articles written by Deputy Governor Diwa C. Guinigundo, incoming BSP Governor Nestor A. Espenilla, Jr., Dr. Johnny Noe E. Ravalo, Dr. Francisco G. Dakila, Jr., Micaela G. Alvarez, Ma. Ramona GDT Santiago, Alphew Cheng, Lorelei Fernandez, Ma. Mediatriz Boelsch, Dahlia D. Luna and former Deputy Governor Vicente S. Aquino.
Both the foreword and final chapter were written by Gov. Tetangco.
BSP’s earlier books on central banking include “Money and Banking in the Philippines– Perspectives from the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas,” “The BSP and the Philippine Economy”, “Central Banking in Challenging Times” and “Annotations on The New Central Bank Act, The General Banking Act and the Special Banking Laws”.
Rumbaoa Fourth Solo Art Exhibit
Congratulations to BSP in-house artist Yannie Rumbaoa, who opened his 4th solo exhibit last week at the BSP Security Plant Complex, with BSP Governor Amado M. Tetangco, Jr. and Assistant Governor Dahlia D. Luna, as special guests.
Entitled “3 Decades of Passion”, Rumbaoa’s exhibit showcases 32 of his best works which includes well-inspired paintings and bas relief engravings inspired by his Italian professors.
The exhibit will run from June 9 to June 30, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Mondays to Fridays.
The artist announced that the proceeds will assist infant patient Caleb A. Dionisio in the latter’s forthcoming liver transplant.
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