By: Martin A. Sadongdong
The Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) revealed that the decision on the driver’s license of controversial actress Maria Isabel Lopez lies on the hands of the Land Transportation Office (LTO) after they have officially transferred Lopez’ case to them.
MMDA assistant general manager for planning Jojo Garcia stated that the investigation to the case of Lopez, who defied the rules and passed through the ASEAN lane along EDSA last November 11, has been completed as far as the agency is concerned. The ASEAN lane was intended only for the delegates of the 31st Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit hosted by the Philippines last week.
Garcia maintained that there were no involved traffic enforcers contrary to what Lopez has been claiming.
Lopez, who appeared before the LTO last Thursday, claimed that there were traffic enforcers aware of her violation.
The LTO will be releasing its final decision five days after Lopez submits her formal written appeal to them.
Lopez, meanwhile, admitted that she was fully aware of her wrongdoings so she asked for a lighter sanction, and a 20-percent senior citizen discount on the penalties that will be sanctioned against her.
Lopez claimed that she was in need of a bathroom break so she removed traffic cones and passed through the ASEAN lane. The MMDA said that what Lopez did was a serious breach of security protocols.
Lopez is facing charges for disregarding traffic signs, reckless driving, and Anti-Distracted Driving Act (ADDA) Law.