by Ronald Constantino

Lana Turner and I had some good times together. Especially before the nuptials. – LEX BARKER
Lex Barker was very handsome… just plain handsome. – LANA TURNER
Orson Welles sometime gave me cause to think that he married me so he could direct me. Off the set and, in particular, on it. If the film we did (“The Lady from Shanghai”) had been more successful with the public, our marriage might have lasted longer. – RITA HAYWORTH
Not many women can say they voted for their ex-husbands. Even fewer would want to. – JANE WYMAN on Ronald Reagan.
(Asked one time why she divorced the former President, Ms. Wyman said that if you asked him the time he’d explain in detail how a watch is made.)
Being married to Arlene Dahl was very nice, at night-time. But daytime, it was like being married to Elizabeth Arden. That is where she spent most of her time. If you asked her which was more important to her, her home or her career, she would have to tell you the truth: her face! – FERNANDO LAMAS
I do not live my life in a conventional way. I was legally married once, to a photographer (Englishman David Bailey). We had no children. I have a child by Marcello Mastroianni and another by Roger Vadim. I did not plan it like that, it just happened, and I do not give explanations or apologies. – CATHERINE DENEUVE
Being married to Olivia Hussey isn’t exactly a Romeo and Juliet thing. (Hussey co-starred in “Romeo and Juliet” with Leonard Whiting). I’m no Romeo. Part of the time, I’m more interested in my gun collection than my wife, even though I do love her and I don’t love my weapons. – DEAN PAUL MARTIN
I will always feel married to Mr. Olivier, in one way or another. – VIVIEN LEIGH on her ex-husband, Laurence Olivier.
I do not want to be known as Kate Smith. – KATHARINE HEPBURN, replying to why she divorced Ludlow Ogden Smith.