By Marilyn C. Arayata
SUCCESSFUL and famous people have their own routines. Oprah Winfrey begins and ends a day by saying “Thank you.”
Warren Buffet begins the morning by reading newspapers. An actor says he reads a poem to himself before every stage appearance. “I have a personal little routine that I do in my dressing room just to kind of get myself mentally prepared to go on stage, and part of that is a poem that I read to myself,” says Orlando Bloom.
Do you have any routine to see to it that something is done? Routines make life structured, effective, smooth and meaningful. You know you’ve got to do something specific when the clock strikes a certain hour. There is a sense of order and a sense of accomplishment, somehow. You are not “a leaf tossed about by the wind” but “an arrow headed for a target.”
Some people have an exercise routine. Others have a daily beauty regimen. Athletes who are known for their superb performance in games did not reach their status by sheer luck. They also have a routine. They train even when they are not in the mood. Routines are important to develop discipline.
Even Pearl Buck, award-winning American author once said, “I don’t wait for moods. You accomplish nothing if you do that. Your mind has to know it has got to get down to work.”
Although routines are beneficial, you also have to listen to your body. Rest if you need to. Enjoy some free time on a regular basis. Do other things as well. Visit new places. “Variety is the spice of life”!
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