Marilyn Monroe’s rear is getting some leers in Connecticut.
A 26-foot statue of the actress has been placed in a Stamford park across the street from a church, which is getting a full view of her behind. It depicts the famous scene from 1955’s “The Seven Year Itch” where Monroe holds down her white dress as air blows up from a subway grate.
The back of the statue showing her underwear is clearly visible from the front of the First Congregational Church of Stamford. Some passersby this week said it was disrespectful to the church.
Most church members have yet to see the statue because it was put up Monday as part of a citywide art display. But it is sure to spark conversation when they return for Sunday worship, said church member Maureen Matthews.
“I think some people will be offended,” said Matthews, who is not bothered by the statue. “It is silly. There are bigger issues to worry about. But I’ll be interested to see how people talk about it on Sunday.”
“Forever Marilyn” is one of 36 statues by artist Seward Johnson that are on loan and on display in the downtown area through the summer. They’re part of the city’s annual “Art in Public Spaces” program. All the statues except Marilyn are life-size and depict people doing everyday activities. (AP)