HOW NOT – Highspeed “borrows” more items from Margaret Nicholas’ “The World’s Wealthiest Losers.”
Let’s start with the chapter “How Not To Enjoy a Fortune,” which opens with: “Be they misers, or simply crackpots—some people just don’t seem to know how to enjoy their wealth.”
Think of billionaires Howard Hughes, Hetty Green, J. Paul Getty.
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WIN, LOSE – The chapter “You Win Some, You Lose Some,” quotes Robert Frost.
“Never ask of money spent,
Where the spender thinks it went.
Nobody was even meant,
To remember or invent,
What he did with every cent.”
Queen Soraya of Iran, Nina Dyer, Vivian Nicholson, Nora Docker knew how it was to be on top of the world…and down there.

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ALL THAT – Dorothy Parker wrote:
“If you know what the Lord God thinks of money, you have only to look at those to whom He gave it.”
That’s the opening of the chapter “All That Glitters… “Baby Doc” Duvalier, George
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WHO WANTS – Nicholas opens the chapter “Who Wants to be a Billionaire?” with:
“Men whose dream it is to make money…who live and breathe money, and who end their days in a nightmare of barren loneliness.”
Alfried Krupp, John D. Rockefeller, Aristotle Onassis led unhappy lives despite their billions.