IT GOES – Read in TEMPO “neighbor” column (Timing by Rowena Agilada) that the ex-girlfriends of Sam Milby and Derrick Monasterio have admitted they are bisexuals. In fact, they have lovers…of the same sex, it goes without saying.
Sam said he was happy for Marie Jasmin. Same reaction from Derrick, whose ex, Issa Pressman (younger sister of Yassi), is into a relationship with singer Marga Vermudez.
As Highspeed always says, “Live and let live! Love and let love!”
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IN PRINT – Of male celebrities, the first to come out – in print, in a book – as bisexual is Mark Bautista. Former lovers include a popular actor, who he did not name, not even a clue.

Mark said a near-death experience in the US and a talk with Anderson Cooper of CNN “inspired” him to come out in the open. Another CNN anchor who’s openly gay is Don Lemon.
Let it be said that Mark’s book is written with sensitivity and sincerity, without offending or “outing” anyone. His career – as far as Highspeed knows – didn’t suffer because of that “tell-some” book. Yes, “tell-some” and not “tell-all” …as one planning to come out of the closet is “threatening.”
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NOT ALONE – Sam Milby and Derrick Monasterio are NOT the first – nor will they be the last – to lose sweethearts to lesbians.
Remember…oh, let’s skip their names (boyfriend and girlfriend) as they have now found other loves. But then they were so in love…their careers doing well. But without any warning, the girl dumped boy in favor of a lesbian, saying simply she fell in love with her. And that’s that.
Boy was of course devastated…but what could he do?
In time, he romanced other girls. It is said he finally found the ONE…the love of his life. Girl and lesbian eventually broke up. She is set to marry a character actor. Are her “bi” days over?