WHO’S not afraid of something as infectious and deadly as the 2019 novel Corona Virus (NCoV)?
Health experts have a standard set of reminders for the public: wash hands frequently, avoid close physical contact with people who travelled to certain places, wear protective mask/goggles/suit, avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands and avoid close contact with people who are sick.
In addition to the ones mentioned there are simple things you can do to boost your immunity and reduce your chances of getting severely affected by a disease. Improve your diet.
It’s not enough that you eat. Do you get enough vitamins and minerals? Do you have a balanced diet? Lack of nutrients affects the immune system. Eat foods that are known to boost the immune system like broccoli, citrus, garlic, tuna, mackerel, sunflower seeds, almonds, and cashews. Consider adding oysters, ginger, watermelon and pomegranate juice, too.
Control your emotions – your anger and fear. Stop overthinking. Worries and negative emotions weaken the immune system, too. They rob you of happiness and peace of mind. They even accelerate aging, as well as physical and mental decline.
Cope with stressors – traffic woe, toxic boss, breakdown in a relationship, financial difficulty, natural calamity, illness in the family, and so on. Studies have asserted that stress can ravage the immune system.
Relax. Learn to make adjustments and to take things lightly. Nothing lasts. Do what you can. Breathe, and trust in the Almighty God. He never sleeps.