The spendthrift, they were probably among the most prepared when lockdowns were imposed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. They have resources that can last for months, or maybe years. Money is important. Even governments will not be able to deliver basic services without funds, but having money is not enough to survive and become happy. It is also important to stay healthy, to remain calm, to learn to accept things, and become flexible. The value of simplicity, continuous learning, and growing in faith can never be underestimated.
“Health is wealth.” Nothing can beat having a strong body and a sound mind. For many people, it’s okay not to have a fat bank account as long as they are strong and able to do the things they want, but there are individuals who deny themselves even small treats and simple pleasures just to save more money.
Keep calm. Learn to control your temper and your reaction. Avoid worrying too much. This will protect you from irritability, sleeplessness, conflicts, and depression. Relax. Being anxious will keep you from seeing your blessings and actually enjoying them. You will not be able to enjoy your doughnut because you focus on the hole!
Acceptance leads to wise decisions. Once we accept the situations and realities that we do not like and never even imagined, like this COVID-19 pandemic – we can think of ways to adapt and survive. Flexible people are happy. Instead of complaining, they manage to adjust. They do not insist on what they want.
Simplicity is a key to happiness. Who needs high-end gadgets, branded apparel, and expensive cars when less expensive products serve the same purpose? Having a reduced income may be difficult, but it is not a total blow for people whose habits and choices are not costly.
Keep learning and improving. Stagnation leads to decay. Sharpen your intellect regardless of age and occupation. Love more and forgive more. Read more, observe more, and do more! New things will stimulate your senses, delay the onset of dementia, and help make you become enthusiastic.
Feed your faith. Everything comes from God, including the ability to endure trials. When in doubt and when you feel weak, remember the times when He carried you. “Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.”