They look like your garden cucumber, our very own pipino. They’re soft and tender, these marine invertebrate related to sea urchins and star fish.
They’re also nutritious and beneficial to one’s health.
We’re talking about sea cucumbers, known as pipino ng dagat.
A recent story on Yahoo News said sea cucumbers might not look it, but they are very valuable creatures.
There are 1,250 different species of sea cucumber in the world.

They are preferred by healthy eaters as they are very low in calories and fat and high in protein.
Thus, they make for a weight-loss-friendly food.
They also contain many powerful substances, including antioxidants.
In many Asian countries, sea cucumber is dried and used in soups and other dishes.
It is also used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat fatigue, impotence, constipation, frequent urination, and joint pain.

TRIVIA PA MORE (Various Sources): Ever wondered why cats meow?
According to animal behaviorists, cats do that not to communicate with other cats. It’s their way of getting attention from humans.
Cats are naturally malambing. In my neighborhood, cats meow a lot when they want to mate.
Send your questions on anything and everything to Kuya Kim through my Twitter account @kuyakim_atienza using #AlaminKayKuyaKim.