Spring has sprung, again. Arriving on Monday, Feb. 1, the spring festival (in China) signals 11 days before the Chinese New Year, our second chance to work toward a better, brighter year.
Baby Lim Fernandez of the Yin and Yang Shop of Harmony (and charming charms and amulets), mother and mentor of the late feng shui scholar Princesse Fernandez, shares her list of tips and to-do’s to augment whatever New Year’s resolutions you might have made for 2021 and then quickly forgotten.
Feb. 1. Eleven days to the Year of the Metal Ox. If you neglected to do your spring cleaning before Jan. 1, 2021, this is the time to do so. Check the house for last-minute repairs and renovations.
Feb. 2. Ten days to go. The key word: Unclutter (or declutter). Throw away junk, broken items, make room for auspicious energy to flow in.
Feb. 3. Nine days. After the clean-up, it’s advisable to reposition the major areas of your house or workplace according to the lucky and unlucky directions of the year. Auspicious directions are NE, W, Center, E, S. Working from home? Knowing where to locate the work/study table will give you an edge.
Feb. 4. Eight days. Technically, this is the first day of spring. Give your feng shui cures and enhancers a thorough cleaning and wipe or polish them as needed. Protect your lucky charms from the inauspicious directions: SE, N, NW, SW.
Feb. 5. Seven days. Face the new year by “decluttering” or “cleansing” your relationships with other people. Pay your debts, settle financial obligations, etc. This way, you’ll face the year ahead with a light heart.
Feb. 6. Attend to your grooming. Start with a haircut, pamper yourself with a massage.
Feb. 7 and 8. Shop for clothes, underwear, footwear, something new to wear on New Year’s Day. Choose happy colors like red, pink, orange.
Feb. 9. Try to finish any unaccomplished tasks, like getting a haircut.
Feb. 10. Buy fresh flowers. Fill your rice bin to the brim. Insert into the bin an “ampao” with P168 in mixed denominations. Get your copy of today’s Manila Bulletin for more tips for New Year’s Eve and Patrick Fernandez’ feng shui forecast for the year.