TEN international experts – epidemiologists, animal and human disease experts, medical doctors and virologists – from ten countries, joined five World Health Organization (WHO) experts, two representatives of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and two from the World Health Organization for Animal Health in the recent WHO mission to look into the beginnings of the COVID-19 pandemic in Wuhan, China.
The WHO mission represented the concern of the 194 member states of the United Nations to get to the genesis of the COVID-19 virus, get more information about the disease to help in eliminating it and in responding to future pandemics.
At the end of the mission, the WHO group said: (1) it was “extremely unlikely” that the virus had leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology; (2) bats remain a likely source; (3) transmission of the virus via frozen food is a possibility that warrants further investigation; and (4) there is “need to ensure we are looking beyond the borders of China as well as within China.”