<!-- wp:heading {"level":3} --> <h3><br><strong>BY KIM ATIENZA</strong></h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} --> <h3><br>You see them in wet markets where they’re sold as food. You also see them in homes, as pets sealed in aquariums.</h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} --> <h3>It’s sad that the commercial sale of parrot fish or loro fish is allowed around here.</h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} --> <h3>The importance of parrot fish in preserving rapidly depleting coral reefs cannot be under emphasized.</h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} --> <h3>Parrot fish eats algae and dead corals off coral reefs, and then excrete this into coral sand.</h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:image {"align":"left","id":330372,"width":349,"height":221,"sizeSlug":"large","linkDestination":"none"} --> <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="alignleft size-large is-resized"><img src="http://www.tempo.com.ph/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/parrotfish-590x375.jpg" alt="" class="wp-image-330372" width="349" height="221"/></figure></div> <!-- /wp:image --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} --> <h3>Parrot fish live in warm regions of the Carribean, the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans.</h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} --> <h3>The fish got its name due to its close resemblance to parrot’s beak. It has a thick, heavy body and large scales.</h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} --> <h3>But more than anything, it is quite colorful with its varying shades of blue and gray and other colors.</h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} --> <h3>Parrot fish is also known for changing sexual orientation throughout its lifetime.</h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} --> <h3>The meat of parrot fish is sweet. It has the flavor of shell fish that makes it a hit among food lovers.</h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} --> <h3>It is a unique flavor that those with exquisite taste hold in high esteem.</h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} --> <h3>This is because parrot fish feed on coral and algae.</h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} --> <h3>The meat is white, substantial, and easy to saute or braise.</h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} --> <h3>TRIVIA PA MORE (Various Sources): American Lobsters can live longer than cats and dogs.</h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} --> <h3>They can live up to over 20 years.</h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} --> <h3>Catfish have over 27,000 taste buds, so much more than humans who have only 9,000.</h3> <!-- /wp:heading --> <!-- wp:heading {"level":3} --> <h3>Send your questions on anything and everything to Kuya Kim through my Twitter account @kuyakim_atienza using #AlaminKayKuyaKim.</h3> <!-- /wp:heading -->