It’s a super fabulous back-to-back weekend treat this April 8 and 9 as Imee Marcos gears up with another set of exciting Vlog entries on her official YouTube channel.
It’s all-out fun and non-stop riot on April 8 as the hard working Senator loosens up and is put on the spot in an unexpected bag raid that reveals the hidden secrets of her plus-sized on-the-go bag. From snacks and knickknacks to work documents and her must-have cosmetics, Imee gamely showed the contents of her bag for the very first time on camera – including a couple surprise items that would surely amuse her loyal YouTube viewers.
On April 9, Imee shifts to a more serious and solemn tone as she encourages everyone to observe this year’s Lenten Season by doing the well-loved Pinoy Visita Iglesia annual tradition by giving a rundown of some of her most favorite churches in Metro Manila.

“Since we are now on Alert Level 1, a lot of people are planning vacation getaways and that’s really fine since local tourism is really picking-up after two years of being on lockdown,” says Imee. “But we also have to acknowledge the true essence of the season – and that is to commemorate the passion and death of Christ. There are so many things to be grateful for and Visita Iglesia is a time honored tradition of Pinoys that should be practiced especially now that we are finally allowed to go out.”
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