REIGNING Miss Universe Catriona Gray took time to entertain fans on Twitter after a widespread power outage hit New York City Saturday night.
“Hey my loves! Currently sitting by candlelight in a blackout, so let’s chat! Tweet me your Q’s,” said Gray whose Twitter account is @catrionaelisa.
Among others, Catriona discussed how she deal with “bad days.”
She said: “I need to cry it out, then write down my thoughts so I can process. (Because) if I don’t understand why I’m down then I can’t get over it. I usually realise it’s not that bad – whatever I’m upset about. Then I go and be with people I love, or do something that makes me happy.”
On taking risks: “First make an informed decision. If you still feel like the reward will be worth the risk in pursuing a dream job, then go for it! You’ll never know unless you try! I risked joining my national Pageant and overcame all my fears and it definitely paid off. Good luck!”
On body shaming: “Body shaming is hurtful and should never be tolerated. If anyone reading this too has been body shamed, I know how it feels. I’m sorry you’ve had to experience that. But know that you are more than your appearance. You are a capable, unique and worthy person. And you are never alone.”
On confidence: It isn’t something you’re born with or that people ‘just have.’ It’s like a ‘muscle’ that you have to decide to use and it strengthens the more you work on it. So continue to work on yourself, embrace your uniqueness and be kind and positive!” (ROBERT R. REQUINTINA)