Boxing legend Manny Pacquiao proved he’s no easy customer as he forced the 10-year-old chess app version of world classical champion Magnus Carlsen to 41 moves before losing in a one-game charity chess showdown Friday dubbed as Magnus Carlsen Celebrity Charity Challenge.

Pacquiao, a chess enthusiast, played white and engaged the chess app in some exciting skirmishes before he was checkmated.
It was the second longest game so far by a celebrity in the charity event behind FTX crypto exchange chief executive officer Sam Bankman-Fried, who went 49 moves before losing.
Pacquiao did better than most who challenged Carlsen’s app version, who included actors Rain Wilson (30 moves), Cuba Gooding, Jr. (16) and Joe Mantegna (13) and karting and Formula E champion Maximilian Gunther (14).
Carlsen remained unbtean so far.
For his effort, Pacquiao will receive $5,000 for taking part in the event. The money, however, will go to the Manny Pacquiao Foundation.