Actress Ria Atayde made her presence felt in the grand finale of the very first season of Amazon Prime’s “Drag Den Philippines.”
The newly minted White Castle Whisky calendar girl together with Brandon Limpe-Aw of Destileria Limtuaco & Co., Inc. were there to put emphasis on their support of the LGBTQIA+ community.

They also handed grand winner NAIA Black prizes, including 250,000 pesos in cold cash.
Said Brandon, “While we’ve decided to use our platform to highlight body positivity with Ria this 2023, we have not forgotten our commitment and to the LGBTQIA+ community who have been instrumental in our brand growth since last year.”
He added, “This is also in support of the endeavors of Sassa Gurl, our 2022 calendar model. We are proud of what she has accomplished and we join her in support of the community.”

Note the brand’s effort to pick Ria as calendar girl is strongly anchored in the elevation of body positivity – that the concept of being sexy comes in different forms, shapes, transcending the mainstream template of what a calendar girl should be.
White Castle Whiskey also hosted “Drag Den’s” after-party at Loft By Unit 27 in Burgos Circle, BGC.

In the months to come, White Castle Whisky and Ria will continue sending out a positive and affirming message on the vast diversity of beauty and the multiple variations of what it truly means to be confident and sexy in the hopes of enabling millions of people regardless of gender to embrace the power that they wield as they all stand united in making the world a better place.